Stories of Impact Blog

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! 
-1 Chronicles 16:8

Anyone Who Welcomes You, Welcomes Me…

Anyone Who Welcomes You, Welcomes Me…

Our team of 8 from Ends of the Earth Adventures flew to Thailand to work alongside Prosperous Youth Foundation (PYF), a previous beneficiary of multiple Ends of the Earth Cycling tours.  Many youth (ages 12-20) are living in the city of Chiang Mai without their parents, spread out over 70+ boarding homes, orphanages, and after care-centers.  Most of these youth come from tribal families who live in mountain villages desiring better education for their children.  PYF exists because they see the great need for these youth to be networked and supported and to grow in their relationship with Christ.   PYF focuses on training, resourcing, advocacy, and counsel for these youth.  PYF protects youth from human trafficking, supports youth born with HIV and their ongoing health struggles, and provides FAMILY for many youth that haven’t seen their parents in multiple years.  During our visit, we participated in three unique projects, all made possible through funds raised from cycling tours.  We helped lead a youth camp called Telos, ministered to a remote village on a mission trip, and poured encouragement into the PYF team at a leadership retreat.  Cycling is making a way for the gospel in Thailand!

At Telos Camp, days were filled with hikes and “getting to know you" activities and evenings with biblical teaching aimed at encouragement and empowerment.
At Telos Camp, days were filled with hikes and “getting to know you” activities and evenings with biblical teaching aimed at encouragement and empowerment. 

After Telos, an amazing three-day camp filled with encouragement and intentionality, engaging eager Thai youth to know and experience Life in Christ (and a short day of rest…), we drove hours into the mountains to visit a village near Mae Chaem.  For many years Luke, a missionary from Maryland working for PYF, and “Boy”, a Thai youth leader also working with PYF, have been praying and dreaming about bringing the Gospel to Boy’s village.  Boy was born and raised in this mountain village and is the only Christian connected to this community.  Our mountain journey was the fruit of their passion, prayers, and waiting on God’s timing.  Boy’s creativity and winsome kindness is unmatched, and his reputation and years of positive influence in this village made a way for us.  As we engaged with villagers, the mere mention of Boy’s name inspired confidence and open doors.  I couldn’t help but think of Jesus’ words in Matthew 10, beginning in verse 40, “Anyone who welcomes you, welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me…” Upon arrival, while setting up our tents, a village chief arrived by motorcycle to welcome us. 

From The Left: Michael, village chief, Matthew, Gang our PYF translator, and James a PYF youth leader after powerful day of prayer and visitation.

This village chief was undeniably a “person of peace”.  A “person of peace” in missions culture is someone who is uniquely positioned by God (whether they know it or not) to spread the Gospel within a community.  His smiles and hearty welcome seemed supernatural; we knew God was up to something special.  Over the next day, we traveled with this village chief, walking from house to house praying for the sick and sharing the Gospel.  After praying in two homes, the chief led us directly to his own home, inviting us to engage with his troubled teenage daughter. 

Praying with the village chief and his daughter.  Translators speak gospel truth, heard in this village for the first time.

After a short while, the chief and his daughter began to talk passionately through tears to each other.  We later learned that this healing conversation was the first of its kind between them.  Our team also led a one-day Vacation Bible School in the elementary school and worked to repair broken water pipes. 

Our team led a one-day Vacation Bible School at the elementary school.

While enjoying lunch at the elementary school, we noticed an older gentleman in a pink polo shirt.  He was eager to meet us.  We discovered that he was a pastor from another remote village that traveled over 60 miles of difficult dirt trail to see us.  He said, “I heard that you were coming, and I traveled many miles to see you.”  We spent our lunch with this pastor hearing stories of how a single missionary from Indiana came to those mountains years ago, worked to put tribal languages into written form, and brought the Word of God to parts of that region.  Before leaving Mae Chaem we visited two other remote villages where indigenous pastors were in active ministry, established church congregations were meeting regularly, and the gospel was alive… the fruit of that Indiana missionary!  Pray for Boy’s village.  I have a feeling that in our lifetime, we will see a revival through Boy, his family, the work of PYF, and a continuing movement of the Holy Spirit.  

Luke, Boy, and a celebratory sendoff of our team of 8 in our last moments together. Can you feel the joy?

Photos From The 2024 Key West Bike Ride
For the Youth Of Thailand

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