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Support Global Youth

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Change young lives Today

Lend your financial support to friends, family and colleagues who have set out on a fun bicycle trip to do great work for God’s kingdom. No contribution is too small. Your donation helps youth who are in desperate need of love, guidance, and protection. The majority (90%) of all donations goes directly toward impacting youth, in Jesus’ name. Ends of the Earth Cycling is a ministry of New International which is accredited by Charity Navigator, Ministry Watch and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

Click Donate Now. Search for cyclist’s name and give a tax-deductible gift towards their fundraising pledge

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Paul Norton Memorial Scholarship Fund

Helping College Students participate on an Ends Cycling Tour

Thank you for supporting the ministry of Ends of the Earth Cycling with your tax-deductible gift, in loving memory of Paul Norton Sr. Paul loved Ends Cycling and participated in several bicycle trips. Any gifts given to this fund will help college students to participate in Ends of the Earth Cycling tours, to promote and transform the lives of youth globally.” Thanks!

2024 Key WEst

Ministering to youth in 70+ youth homes

Our beneficiary, Prosperous Youth Foundation is currently ministering to 70+ youth homes in Thailand. They host summer camps, leadership trainings, disciple youth, have a foster care awareness program and more.  Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat on a bicycle trip for the youth of Thailand.

2024 Colorado

provide supplies for after-school activities that impact youth

Our beneficiary, Light To The Nations is a network of organizations including the Rio Dream Center, ILAN Church, Edilan Book Publishing, and Legacy School. Funds raised from this tour will continue to provide supplies for our many after-school activities that impact youth there and open the door to share the Gospel with those who attend. Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of Brazil!

2024 Utah

enable hundreds of youth workers to be trained

Our beneficiary, Metro Missions, has been ministering in India since 2004. Funds raised from this tour will enable hundreds of youth workers to be trained and in turn, thousands of marginalized children living in unhealthy conditions will come to know their identity in Christ. They will grow up educated and become transformational leaders. Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of India!

2024 Montana

equip and empower passionate youth ministry leaders

Our beneficiary, YouthHOPE mission is to transform the lives of global youth by equipping the Church to meet their holistic needs. Funds raised from this tour will equip and empower passionate youth ministry leaders to train others in youth ministry principles and skills. Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of Latin America.

2024 Virtual

Training Youth Workers

In just over 5 years, our beneficiary, Pasbert Youth Ministries has trained almost 900 Youth Leaders in the Philippines. They want to do more!  Funds raised from this tour will go towards travel and cost of hosting more of these trainings.  Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of the Philippines!

2025 Key WEst

Educating the Poor

Our beneficiary, Enrich Missions, extends Christ’s love to children living in extreme poverty in Nicaragua. They do this in many ways — Nutrition, Enrichment, Tutoring & Medical/Dental Care — all while speaking the salvation message of hope, love and life in Jesus Christ. Help us meet the needs of these youth and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of Nicaragua!

Lake Tahoe

Empower Youth Ministers​

Imagine the impact the Church could have if every young person in the world had a trained Christian leader investing in them! Help our tour beneficiary, YouthHOPE, to fund a multi-event certification program for youth ministry leaders in Latin America.

White Mountains

Reach Lost Youth

What a joy it is to study God’s Word! With your support our tour beneficiary, Word of Life ministry, will be able to expand their Bible Institute in Mexico and enroll 300 or more students at summer camp to hear the gospel.

Other Ways To Give

They're Equally Impactful!

It takes many hands and many levels of support to make a ministry work. Much like any organization, Ends Cycling has administrative needs. As we look to grow our organization, we welcome donations to support Ends Cycling missionaries and operations. With these special purposed gifts we can continually expand our ministry programs to help global youth.

Ends Cycling bike tours crew, the organization's executive leadership team.

Give To A Specific A Missionary​

Support A Crew Member

Ends Cycling crew members are missionaries that each fundraise all of their living expenses through charitable support from churches and individuals like you. Please consider donating to a missionary on the Ends Cycling crew.

Donate To the General Fund

Stretch our tent

Gifts given towards the Ends of the Earth Cycling General Fund allow us the flexibility to provide additional resources and financial support to beneficiaries above and beyond what we are able to raise on a tour. Help us as we work to meet the great need of pastors and leaders caring for global youth.

Become a Partner

Grow In Faith With US

Harness the talent, expertise and financial resources of your organization to make an even greater impact in the lives of youth. There are many ways to partner with Ends Cycling from single-gifts and annual contributions to in-kind donations and affiliate marketing relationships. Whichever option you choose will bring hope to many youth in need.

All money is donated to New International and 90% of those funds are applied toward the specific project. Should reasons beyond the participants control prevent the participant from going, received funds will still be used for the project.

* New International makes every effort to honor preference of gifts given, and in accordance with IRS regulations, retains discretion and control over their use. In the unlikely event it is not able to be applied to the intended purpose, your gift will be applied where most needed.