Dear friends at Ends Cycling. Kathleen and I (Benedict) want to thank you for your support from the 2022 Break Every Chain Virtual Bike Ride which enabled us to build a dormitory for youth. Zambia is experiencing the worst drought in forty-years. Many international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are expecting food insecurity to move to starvation for many families in the country. We are teaching youth sustainable strategies for growing crops and feeding their families even during these times of drought.
We love that the environment is immersed in a focus on Jesus Christ and a call to Christian discipleship; beginning the day with Bible lessons, prayer and praise. The curriculum includes “Farming God’s Way“, which has been taught to over 30,000 small scale African farmers, and shows how Godly principles of working to standards, faithfulness, and eliminating waste can double crop yields.
With years worth of drought, the need for this program was overwhelming, yet we faced a serious problem. There was a tremendous shortage of housing for the male students. Over the last two years we have managed to construct dormitories for the young women with 30+ girls housed in the dorms. We had no such housing for the men. Men were forced to find accommodations in our impoverished rural community in inadequate and unhealthy places. Before the new dorm, sixteen of the young men that were part of our program were crammed into a crumbling house with unhealthy pit-latrines and an open, hand-dug well.
You have been instrumental partners in the fruit-bearing that God is enabling here. The dorm is being used for male youth in both our Hope College Agricultural Training Program as well as in our seven-day, Foundations for Life Camps which are teaching hundreds of teens from government public schools about why Jesus had to come and die for them.
In just the last three months, 239 teens have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We are also teaching them survival skills through Farming God’s Way, how to sustain a family of six even in challenging times of drought.
Please pray that we are able to continue to effectively share both the Good News of Jesus’ love for them, as well as teach practical skills of sustainable conservation farming.
Thank you so much for enabling us to construct the dormitory facilities.
Grace and Blessings,
Benedict & Kathleen Schwartz
All Kids Can Learn International
Zambia, Africa
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