
Stories of Impact Blog

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! 
-1 Chronicles 16:8

A Virtual What?

A Virtual What?

God can work through the strangest of things… A virtual bike ride for example.

If you were to ask me, “What is a Virtual Bike Ride?” you would not be the first. I had heard of riding indoors because it is snowing outside, but a virtual bike ride that impacts youth around the world? Who knew that was a thing.

To be honest, it was not a “thing” until the Lord stepped in and turned this “thing” into a wonderful way to further His Kingdom.  Our Break Every Chain Virtual Bike Ride started out of a response to COVID in 2020 when we canceled most of our in-person cycling tours. People signed up for free and rode in their own home towns without traveling. Every evening during this 5-day event, we broadcast a live church service (via Facebook & YouTube Live) with worship, a message and stories from our beneficiary ministries. 

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! A behind the scenes look at the live Break Every Chain Virtual Bike Ride broadcast.

In May of 2023, we hosted our 4th-annual Break Every Chain, Virtual Bike Ride.  We were excited to #PrayPedalRepeat for our partners, Word of Life in Mexico. Word of Life ministers to youth through their Bible Institute (College Level), Christian School (Student Level) and summer camps in Bernal, Mexico.

Word of Life Mexico

God has done great things through virtual tours over the last few years. The 2023 Virtual Bike Ride was no different. 41 people officially registered, with many more participating as mountain bikers, hikers and runners in this very unique event.  Nine students from Word of Life Bible Institute in Mexico hiked 6 miles to the Picacho Hill in Bernal Querétaro during the event. #HikePrayRepeat.

Some rode their Road Bicycles, some their Mountain Bikes and others ran for this unique event.  I found a friend on the Mountain Bike Trail!

As I mentioned before, God can work through the strangest of things…

The highlight of this event for me was that we had people cycling, running and praying for the youth of Mexico in FIVE COUNTRIES including Canada, USA, Mexico, Ecuador, and South Korea. One gentleman named Donald H. signed up using a military APO address, and we did not know his actual location. We never heard of him before. We reached out and discovered that he was serving in the Army and stationed in South Korea. When we asked Donald how he heard about this virtual bike ride and Ends of the Earth Cycling, he told us he randomly found us on Facebook and signed up for the event. Only God! He ran (instead of cycled) many of the days, including a 9 mile run one day in particular.

Through 41 participants on this 2023 virtual bike ride, $10,434.91 was raised to promote and resource youth ministry in Mexico. One year later, Word of Life has sent us many testimonies and pictures of what the Lord has done through the prayers and funds raised from this event. Check these out!

Mexico Stories of Impact – Christian School:

Funds from the 2023 Virtual Bike ride have been used to allow a group of 74 children and teenagers to attend the Christian school at Word of Life, where they will hear the gospel and be discipled for an entire year.

These 74 students represent 35 non-believing families in 6 different communities. Word of Life offers a school for parents every month, teaching the Bible and sharing the Gospel.

Mexico Stories of Impact – Bible Institute

Funds from this 2023 Virtual Bike Ride also went to help young adults that come to Word of Life from 12 different countries. These funds make it possible for students to continue in their biblical-theological training, equipping them to reach out and disciple others with the Gospel of Christ. Here is one testimony from Cesia Hernandez:

¡Hello, my name is Cesia Hernández Izaguirre! I am 29 years old, and I am from the state of Tamaulipas in northeastern Mexico. It is only by God’s grace that I am now in my third year of the Word of Life Bible Institute in Mexico. I can tell you that it has been quite an adventure, from the moment the Lord put the desire in my heart to study His Word until I got here. I had the privilege to be born and

raised in a Christian home and environment, however, it wasn’t until July 2013, in the Word of Life [youth] camp when I could really understand the Gospel and the reality of my condition before God. The last day of the [youth] camp, in front of the campfire, [where] I could give my life to the Lord trusting in Him as my Savior, [I] deciding also to surrender my life to Him. From then on, the Lord put the desire in my heart to come to the Bible Institute. However, for different circumstances I could not do it.

Between 2018 & 2019 there were many changes in my life, some as a consequence of my bad decisions, others derived from a process of discipline from God and others that simply happened because the Lord allowed it. Among them, in a span of 9 months, my parents were called to the presence of the Lord; no doubt it was a time where there was a lot of pain and tears.

During my 1st and 2nd year [at the Bible Institute] I had the [financial] support of my church and people who wanted to be part with me on a monthly basis. This last year, things changed a lot. I will not deny that many times I have cried because I did not know if I could [afford to] make this 3rd year [financially possible], however the Lord has taught me something being here. He is the one who supports and who always provides, just in time.

This 3rd year (just like my 2nd year), I had the opportunity to volunteer within the Institute. This is a program that provides financial support to some students through working hours in different areas for the payment of monthly tuition; the area where I am in is the kitchen and it has certainly been a place of much learning, where I have been challenged to manage my time and where my character continues to be molded every day to guard my heart from complaint and to serve with love and patience

This stage of the Bible Institute has been the time God has used to heal my heart, to restore my soul, to experience His care as a Father, to teach me to live fully in Him and to learn to depend solely on Him in every area of my life. My greatest longing is for Christ to continue to be molded in my life; today I am praying for the next steps and decisions I must make; I want to serve my Lord so I am praying for direction to know where or where He wants me to go.

Today I want you to know that you are part of God’s answer to my prayers (including this morning’s prayer). Today I write this letter with tears because of how good the Lord is, because He uses people like you who, even without knowing me, become part of my life. Thank you for dedicating your resources for the Lord’s work. I pray that God will continue to sustain your life and that He will continue to be your greatest desire every day.

“Return unto thy rest, O my soul; For the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.”
Psalm 116:7

Another Bible Institute testimony from Pablo:

¡Hey!, my name is Pablo Martinez, I am 25 years old. I am from Ensenada, Mexico. I am studying my first year here at Instituto Biblico Palabra de Vida. In 2022, came to youth week here, at Bernal. After that I stayed to support the camp in the following weeks. When it was time to leave, God put a desire in my heart to know Him better.

Christ came to me in 2021, and from the moment I knew Him my life began to be transformed, my heart was now belonging to God and His ways, and I knew that I was being called to do His will. I was praying for a way to come here to study at Instituto Biblico, and God put all the resources that I need to came.  I just kept seeing how He is with me at every step and every difficulty. This is a moment in my life to prepare to do the work that He has called us to do. I have the vision to reach the youth community using arts such as: Music, Theater, etc. All that in a Biblical way and in the places that God lets me go. The 22 years that I spent in the world without Jesus are now in the past. I thank Him everyday for saving my life and for what He has done with me and others, the people that are lost need to know Him.

The love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross paying for our sins must be spread until Jesus returns for us.

I am very grateful to everyone who has supported me throughout this time in Instituto Bíblico, thank you for your generosity. Keep praying for your lives and that God keeps using every one of you. To everyone who reads this letter: I expect to someday have the blessing to know every one of you as my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Mexico Stories of Impact – Summer Youth Camps

Funds from the 2023 Virtual Bike Ride will impact youth attending the July-August 2024 Summer Camp Season at Word of Life Mexico. In 2023, God allowed Word of Life to reach 2,476 young people and children through youth camps, from more than 20 different cities in Mexico. 425 of them received Christ as their Savior, and 438 dedicated their lives to the Lord!  Would you pray for even MORE of an impact this summer of 2024?

What Is To Come

We are excited to host our 5th-annual Break Every Chain Virtual Bike Ride, October 26 – 30, 2024.  We rejoice in what the Lord has done through you and your faithfulness to #PrayPedalRepeat in Jesus’ Name!

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#PrayPedalRepeat | #EndsOfTheEarthCycling | #PrayServeRepeat | #NISunshineProject

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