
You Have Been Chosen!

What Now?

Welcome to the ends cycling family

Will you help us help you?

Now that you have been selected as a beneficiary for one of our tours, you are joining the long list of literally dozens of countries that have been impacted for the glory of God. We have ridden for youth ministries in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. We are so excited to tell your story, pray for you and raise funds for your ministry!

At Ends Cycling, we are committed to telling your story as accurately as possible. In order to do so, we truly need your help. Here’s some ways we need you to engage with us leading up to the ride itself:

before the ride

things we need asap


Please send this immediately

Please email Christal Haner ( a 200-300 word bio (please use the outline below) about your ministry. This is REALLY important. This bio is one of the main reasons “why” people sign up for tours and is all that participants will have to tell your story of what they are raising funds for. We would really like you to use this outline so that participants can easily tell your story. The better and more refined this bio is, the more funds will be raised on your behalf by participants who are telling your clear story. If you live in a ‘sensitive” country, please email Matt with any concerns in regards to your ministry Bio.

  • Here is the outline we would like you to use for your bio. 

    1. Share a little about your country/city

    2. What is the need/problem in your city/country?

    3. How is your ministry working to meet that need/problem?

    4. Why do you need us to ride for you?

    5. How can we partner with you to meet those needs and be a part of changing the lives of youth in your city/country?

Before writing your bio think about these things:

  1. Most people don’t know anything about your country so educate them in small doses.
    Example: India has a population of 1.35 billion people making it the second largest nation in the world. With almost 650 million being under the age 25, India is also the youngest nation in the world.

  2. Explain the problem in no more than 2-3 sentences.
    Example: Slum kids are among the most vulnerable children in India. With little to no education, they are often forced to begin working at a young age and can easily find themselves in dangerous situations. The lives of these marginalized kids are often filled with stress and strain, losses and separations, abuse and molestation, loneliness and illness.

  3. Explain what YOUR MINISTRY is doing to combat the problem.
    Example: Since 2004 our efforts to bring hope to these children has always aimed at meeting their deepest need to be loved and encouraged! We do this through our Metro Life Centers which are our weekly clubs established for children from underprivileged communities in slums and villages. The children who attend Metro Life Centers are taught the life-changing spiritual, moral, and social values from the Bible by our team of missionaries who genuinely love them. We encourage them in their studies and have begun tutoring programs in 11 slums to help these children stay in school and finish their education.

  4. Explain what YOUR MINISTRY’S need is.
    Example: Our dream is to have one of these tutoring clubs in every slum we work in but right now our team is maxed out. We need more workers. Which is where you (Ends of the Earth Cycling Participants) come in…

  5. Explain how WE (Ends Cycling riders) can help you meet your needs.
    Example: Our hope is to use the prayers and funds raised from this tour to help us train more youth workers so that by 2020 we have a tutoring club in every slum with 2 trained workers in each one. Will you help us meet that goal and #PrayPedalRepeat for the youth of India?

Helpful hints:

  • Stay away from abbreviations (NGO, etc.)
  • Speak to the common man (this is not a thesis paper)
  • Share your heart and passion
  • Stay under 300 words (short and sweet will make it easier to repeat)​


Please send these immediately

They say that, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Most of the pictures that we share before, during and after our cycling tours are usually of participants on bicycles. These kind of pictures are great, but it gives the public the impression that we just ride our bicycles and nothing else. Is there 2-3 pictures (more would be OK too) that you could give us that would be “worth a thousand words” and would paint a better picture as to why we are riding for the youth in your country? These pictures would need to be ones that we (Ends Cycling and participants) could post and repost on a wide variety of social media outlets to tell the story. If possible, please send pictures 1mb (or 1024 kb) or larger. We understand that this may not be possible in some countries due to security reasons. Please email Christal Haner ( with those as early as possible.


Please send these immediately

Do you have a 1-5 min video that describes your ministry? We would love to use it to tell your story and recruit potential cyclists, support staff, and supporters. A video would need to be one that we (Ends Cycling and participants) could post and re-post on a wide variety of social media outlets to tell the story while raising funds. We understand that this may not be possible in some countries due to security reasons. If you do not have a video overviewing your ministry, don’t feel like you have to make one. Please email Christal Haner ( with those as soon as possible.

Prayer theme devotionals


Please send us a Prayer Theme Devotional for each day of the tour. (most tours are 5 days) Here is what we are looking for as well as an example below:

  • 5 Prayer themes (think – 1-3 words each) or one prayer them devo for every day of the tour
  • Scripture Verse
  • Reflection
  • 1-3 Discussion Questions
  • Prayer (that expands on the 1-3 word prayer theme)

For an example of this, click here. (this is a very fancy example with pictures, etc… pictures and such are totally optional). As you write these prayer theme devos for us, please keep in mind that the prayer themes themselves should reflect how our participants can be praying for the needs in your country. Our main goal for these prayer themes is not that participants will grow in their faith (though they will), but that we can raise an army of prayer warriors that pray the whole week and impact what you all are doing in the country we are riding for.

You are the expert, and we need your expert advice on how we can pray. Think about this:

  • What are struggles youth are facing?
  • What are struggles youth workers are facing ?
  • How else can we pray for your ministry?

Take the answer to these questions and turn them into the 5 prayer themes. Then, make a quick devotion around them in the format above.

We will turn your prayer theme devotionals into a fancy email (exampled HERE) and will share/email these with our participants and let them know how they can pray for your ministry each day. We would like to start sending these out to participants 5 weeks in advance (one per week) so participants can begin getting into the mindset of the tour. Your prayer theme devotionals (in email form) will again be sent out each day of the tour to participants. Many times, participants will share these Prayer Theme Devotionals with their Church Body in advance and many of them will begin praying as well! Amazing! We would love if you or someone on your immediate team would write these for us. We need this no later than 2.5 months prior to the tour starting

Help us recruit more cyclists

begin to do this after you send your bio, pictures / video & pRAYER tHEMES

THIS IS A BIG ONE – As a ministry, it is likely that you have many connections with individuals, businesses and church bodies. We would encourage you to reach out to them and help us recruit cyclists and support staff for your tour. Most of our participants are NOT hardcore cyclists, but people who are wanting to get involved in global missions in a tangible way. Think of all of your friends and churches that you have connections with. Likely they support your in some way (prayer, encouragement, funds, etc) and they are very likely to be willing to join or promote this tour because of your relationship with them. Please engage others to join the tour – either by getting on a bike and raising funds, or even joining the Support Staff (not required to raise fund). Help us help you – the more participants we have, the more people we get praying and funds being raised, the greater the Kingdom Impact.

  • Churches – Many times Church Bodies that you are connected with may be interested in coming alongside of you in some way. Many times that looks like:
    • ​Allowing you some time to share during service or in a small group about the tour impacting your ministry.
    • Getting the word out to others & promoting your tour. We have some examples / resources that can assist your Churches in getting involved (see below).
      • Pre-made projector announcement loops​
      • Hanging a tour flier in common areas
      • Church Bulletin Inserts
      • Putting material about the tour on their website
      • Using Church Social Pages
    • Giving financially
    • Etc.

The Ends Cycling Media Kit Page ( has many resources for you / churches, such as:

  • Digital Ride Fliers (.PDF & .JPG)
  • Shareable Social Media Images (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Church Projector Announcement Loop Images
  • Church Bulletin Inserts they can print
  • Ends Cycling Logos
  • Video’s
  • etc.

If you reach out to them directly, feel free to point them to the website(s) – or – for more information and resources.

Social Media Posts

Engage social followers & Friends

If you use Social Media, please follow us and repost and share our posts about your specific tour from our Facebook Page ( and Instagram (@EndsCycling).  Please use the hashtags #PrayPedalRepeat and #PrayServeRepeat.

We have pictures and wording that you can simply use in your favorite social platform. 

These Social Media Images are specifically sized for Facebook, Instagram, etc. There are three different images to choose from. Go to our Media page to download social media images.

Copy/Paste these into your favorite social platform! 

  • We estimate that the U.S. has 90% of the world’s youth ministry resources, and only 4% of the world’s youth. I believe everyone deserves the same access to the Gospel and I am willing to go to the ends of the earth to see that vision fulfilled. #PrayPedalRepeat #PrayServeRepeat

  • Will you join us by cycling or supporting on a multi-day cycling tour right here in the United States to bring the hope of the Gospel to global youth? #PrayPedalRepeat #PrayServeRepeat

During the ride itself

Things to consider

Join us in-person

We would really love you TO COME ON TOUR

We always try to have our beneficiaries (that’s YOU) or a representative join us in-person on the tour whenever possible. We have special pricing just for you at a significantly discounted rate. Participants love to hear first-hand what God is doing in the country you are ministering in. NOTE: you may not be able to join us on Virtual Tours.


Pray for our cyclists and support staff.  Please have your staff & support team pray and believe for our safety and encouragement as we go.  Ask God for Divine appointments and that we would be brave to testify and reach out to others.


Re-post on Social Media the testimonies coming forth from the ride.  Even if you have a Private Group that prays for you, this is a great avenue to let them know your story is being told.  If you are in hostile country, we understand this might not be possible.

Post - Ride

Things to consider

More testimonies

How has God answered our prayers?  Please let Christal know at ( any ways God has moved on your behalf during the ride itself.  Let us know if we can post these stories on our Ends Cycling, Stories of Impact blog.  These stories may come months and even years after the tour. Check out what others have written on our Stories of Impact Blog. To God be the Glory!

Using the monies raised

How do I request funds?

Submit detailed fund proposals through our FUND PROPOSAL FORM. ​

  • When Will The Funds Be Available To Us?

    •  Donations for every tour are open one month after the tour ends. It usually takes us an additional 2 month (totaling 3 months after tour ends) after that to collect all of our receipts, process post-tour expenses and close the “financial books.” We will pay our vendors and will set money aside in a separate account just for you. As with any New International ministry, 10% of the total funds raised goes into Team Share (which runs New International as a whole). The rest will be available to you to “Transform the lives of youth” in your country! We will notify you via email when this is done about 3 months after the tour ends.  Thank you for your understanding.  

  • How Proposals Work?

    •  You can submit detailed fund proposals only through on our online FUND PROPOSAL FORMNew International and Ends Cycling are always looking to be transparent and honoring to the Lord in our dealings, especially when it comes to money. After we get a proposal from you (use the above link), the proposal will be reviewed by our team. Once approved, the funds will be released to you in your preferred way to have funds transferred.  We try to get this done ASAP, as we know it is important. We recommend requesting chunks of money over time instead of releasing all of the funds at one time. We have had some ministries stretch their funds out over 5+ years. Others have felt it appropriate to use it all within the first year.

The Fund Proposal Form is where you can request funds to be released! We want those funds to impact youth in your country. Ends of the Earth Cycling defines “youth” as the period in a young person’s life where they are making all of their most important life decisions. The age at which this happens is different in every country.  When filling out the Fund Proposal Form, you will be asked questions that will describe to our team how the funds you are requesting will be impacting youth in your country. Please do not submit proposals to purchase land as that is something we do not do.  Building projects are taken on a case by case basis. In the past, we have released funds for things like clean water, alleviation of hunger, prevention of human trafficking, global youth ministry training, youth camps, etc.  If you have a question about a proposal, just go ahead and submit one to us!

Engaging Stories of Lives Changed – We look forward to hearing stories of impact that happen after the funds are released. In return, we would love for you to report back (where possible and in story-form, if you can) with stories of how God used the prayers and funds to impact youth in Jesus’ Name. We love to put those stories into our Stories of Impact Blog. You can click the blog link to see other examples of what we are looking for.


Post tour pictures

We try to have an official photographer on every tour. A few months after the tour, we will send you and all of our participants the photos from the tour so you can see and share them as you see fit. These will come to you in an email via Google Drive.