

Let's partner together in the Kingdom

Thank you for showing an interest in partnering with Ends of the Earth Cycling. We are always looking for potential beneficiaries who are willing to partner with us to reach youth around the world in Jesus name!

Ends Cycling exists to promote and resource global youth ministries. Our desire is to partner with youth ministries OUTSIDE of the United States to help them accomplish what God is calling them to do. Our rides happen in the USA, but we do not ride on behalf of ministries that are based in the USA. (More on that HERE)

Before you begin to fill out this Pre-Application form please read the following to see if you qualify for consideration:​

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not fund building projects, purchase vehicles, or pay salaries. Our heartbeat is to enable the funds we raise to directly benefit the lives of global youth through projects that a regular ministry budget may not allow for. We want to help you do what God is calling you to do to share Jesus with the youth in your area of the world.